You might have remained in hibernation during the colder months, hanging up your exercise clothes while it was cold. However, spring has finally begun, with days getting longer and lighter, so it is time to dust off your home cricket nets and get ready for the season.

Here are some tips on how to be at your physical best once you start exercising again.

– Start off slowly

If you have not done any form of physical activity over the winter, it is best to start off slowly. You do not want to cause yourself strain or injury by pushing yourself too quickly.

It might feel frustrating if you are not able to perform as well as you are used to at the beginning, but this will improve with time, and you will be back to your old standard before you know it.

– Get the right fuel

You have probably indulged in hearty grub over the winter, and more than enough chocolate during Christmas and Easter, but it is now time to choose healthier options so you feel more energised and not sluggish.

Swap carb-heavy meals for protein such as meat, fish and eggs, and keep a supply of healthy snacks, including nuts, seeds and fruit, with you all the time so you are not tempted to get a quick fix by tucking into sugar-laden chocolate, biscuits or cakes.

– Be committed

It can be hard to get into a new routine, particularly if you are used to coming home from work and crashing out on the sofa. But it is important to stick to your new exercise schedule, as it will only become second nature if you continue to do it.